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Manufacturer’s Warranty

Subject to the terms of this warranty statement, Feature Panel Ltd warrants to the original purchaser of a Feature Panel product; that the product will, subject to compliance with the conditions below, be free from defects due to defective factory workmanship or materials. Nothing in this warranty shall exclude or modify any legal rights a customer may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (“Consumer Guarantees Act”) or otherwise (except where the same may be excluded or modified to the maximum extent permitted by law). The warranty term with regards to the product is two years from the date of purchase.

Conditions of Warranty:
Feature Panel Ltd will not be liable for breach of warranty unless a valid claim has been made and submitted in writing to . The written claim must be made within seven days of the defect becoming reasonably apparent and before installation.

Making a Claim:
The claim to Feature Panel Ltd must include a minimum of: (a) proof of purchase; (b) the name, address, phone number and email address of the original purchaser; (c) the names and addresses of the licensed building practitioners who installed the panel (if any); (d) the date on which the defect became apparent. (e) photographic images are clearly showing the defect. Feature Panel Ltd will not process any claim under this warranty unless the claim includes all of the requested documents. No claim will be accepted once the panel has been installed. The warranty is personal to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable.

Warranty Exclusions:
Feature Panel Ltd is not liable, and this warranty does not cover defects or damage which have not been caused by or arising from or attributable to defective factory workmanship or materials, including but not limited to damages and defects caused by or arising from the following: Use of the product in applications outside that recommended by Feature Panel ltd. Impact, abrasion or mechanical force causing damage. Abnormal treatment of the product. Surface marking, scratches and stains arising during or after the installation of the product. Poor installation or workmanship. Movement and associated cracking and damage caused by structural movement. Failure of the finished coat includes cracking, lack of adhesion, fading or other issues arising from the coating added to the pre-primed surface. Use or misuse of any tape, glue, sealants, cleaning products or any other substance on or around the panel. Repurposing or moving the panel from its originally installed location. Any acts of God, including extreme weather conditions.

Warranty Resolution:
Where a claim has been accepted, Feature Panel Ltd will either repair the product to an equal quality at their cost or replace the damaged panel with a matching panel. If, however, no stock is available that matches the damaged product, a similar product will be provided. DISCLAIMER: The information, opinions, advice and recommendations contained in this guide have been prepared as a guide only and should not be used to replace local building regulations. They are offered only to provide helpful information to assist in technical matters associated with the specification and use of our products. While every effort has been made to ensure that this guide is in accordance with current standards, it is not intended as an exhaustive statement. Feature Panel Ltd accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions from this guide, nor for specification or work done or omitted to be done in reliance on this guide.